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Thread: The Gym Suggestions.

  1. #1
    Thats what she said
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    Default The Gym Suggestions.

    In the suggestions thread, someone talked about having possibly "unique" gyms to fit the trainers pokemon and/or the area. I'm for this, so I made a horrible, quick possibility. (Someone said battle frontier, so I used it :P)
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  2. #2
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    Definitly an interesting idea. It could use a different roof color, though.

  3. #3
    Thats what she said
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    its not my suggestion though. I dont remember whos it was. That being said, maybe we could get some submissions?
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  4. #4
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    The top of the gym looks like a pyramid. Pyramids remind of a town in Caldera/Kirant. Perhaps we could have different roofs for each gym to match something in the town or city the gym belongs too.
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    Well whatever we do, we need to make a decision soon. Do we want to go with standard gyms or a more unique format?

    We have to get the first two gyms ready for the demo.

  6. #6
    Thats what she said
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    isn't it fire and flying right?
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  7. #7
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    I don't think any of us are skilled enough to make a fire-typed gym. I'd say scrap the idea for the demo but keep it as a possibility for the full game (things can change between a demo and a full game, no?)

  8. #8
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    Well, I thought I'd try my hands on these. Haven't done any sprite work since '07 so I was wayyy rusty. I had trouble balancing all the cool stuff I could add with keeping the distinct gym building facade, and in the end settled with just a few details for each. Anyway, I did the first two gyms since they're obviously the most important right now. Criticism is welcome.

    Froy's gym

    Therma's gym

  9. #9
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    This view always throws me off though, so I may be mistaken. I don't think we should be able to see so much of the top of the smokestacks. I think they would be at a slightly steeper angel so that they're pointing up more.

  10. #10
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    I thought that the smokestacks should be more circular, and I had some spare time, so... (a minor change)

    Please bear in mind that I can't really do art...

  11. #11
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    I'm not so sure about that Cyndadile, it now looks like the bottom should be round too.

    But wow, neon, I stand corrected. Those look really well done.

    One thing that could be a little bit of a concern is that Froy's gym could be mistaken for a Steel-type gym, and that Therma's gym doesn't really show that it's a Flying-type gym, but I think what you were going for was something that could mesh with the cities they're in, right? They look great.

  12. #12
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    I think that Therma's looks like it is a golden bird cage.

    Also, what gym are you using as a base? I'd like to try some of these (I might be able to actually do one).
    Last edited by Cyndadile; 06-24-10 at 03:44 PM.

  13. #13
    Thats what she said
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    I see how he was going. A furnace and a Library. If I get some time, I could possibly put up some as well, but thats up in the air. For the time, wih some little changes, I think that could work.
    Neon...do you by chance have the tilesheet? If not either me or IB could get that for you.
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    by chance, you dont think I could use Neons as bases for mine? I like em alot. I just kind a think a couple changes could be used. I've got an Idea, with windmills, and fans for Therma's. And I'm still thinking about Froy's

    to cyndaquil and all others who wanna use.
    Last edited by Quinn; 06-24-10 at 06:05 PM.
    DO U LIKE WATER????? then u like 75% of me.

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  15. #15
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    This view always throws me off though, so I may be mistaken. I don't think we should be able to see so much of the top of the smokestacks. I think they would be at a slightly steeper angel so that they're pointing up more.
    I just stole the smokestack from the FRLG power plant sprite, made it smaller, and stuck it on the roof. Although if anyone else feels it's a weird perspective I can try fixing it.

    Yes, I did try matching them with the actual towns. Quinn was spot-on, Froy's gym is a furnace while Therma's gym is a library. I also had concerns that Froy's gym would look like a steel-type gym, which is why I gave it a bright red roof. The colors of Therma's gym matches the oriental buildings in Softwind. It is kinda hard to tell what type the gym is, though I'm stuck on how to make it more obvious.

    And if anybody's interested, here's the base sprite I used. The top one is the normal gym and the bottom one doesn't have windows. Feel free to use anything I provide. I'll also try to do a couple more as well.

  16. #16
    Thats what she said
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    I got right on!!!!! POWNAGE!!!! lolz.
    I hope you dont mind Neon, but I used yours anyways.
    This is what I've gotten. (I think they should be animated, since they are the "big, important awesome buildings"
    Froy: (not much change, except pillars, "gym" and windows, which Ironicly, I think gave it more "heat")

    Therma: Kept the library theme, but added "air" if you couldn't tell. That windmill was hard, but I think I got it perfected.
    DO U LIKE WATER????? then u like 75% of me.

    Water type is the god of all. Johto will always be the best region ever (though topaz's Caldera & Kirant will be 2nd)

  17. #17
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    Good job, Quinn.

    Have the interior of the gyms been created?

  18. #18
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    Cyndadile is right. So what if the exterior looks good. What's the interior supposed to look like?

    I suggest for Therma, have rotating platforms that your supposed to walk on that eventually lead to the Leader. For Froy, I'd give the gym a large generator filled with maze leading to him.

  19. #19
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    There has already been some things decided about the interiors.

  20. #20
    Thats what she said
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    to rp. Are those the same ones that I read in "another" forum?
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    Water type is the god of all. Johto will always be the best region ever (though topaz's Caldera & Kirant will be 2nd)

  21. #21
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    Some ideas for Fernando(?):

    I don't like my roof. It looks too bright. It also needs more stuff.

  22. #22
    Thats what she said
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    Fernando's grass right? I'm liking it. Something funny is throw a couple Trees and TALL grass up on the top
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    Water type is the god of all. Johto will always be the best region ever (though topaz's Caldera & Kirant will be 2nd)

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    Oh, and I forgot to put the thing that says "gym" on it...

  24. #24
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    that doesn't need to be there. If you do put it there though, maybe a Dark green or a Blue would look good. Or maybe even a gold.
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    Small edit, how's this?

    I was thinking maybe Safari Zone trees somewhere? I tried, but failed. I might try again soon-ish.

  26. #26
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    Maybe I could use it, and revamp it? I can't think of any animation for it yet, but I could work with trees and that shtuff.
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    Water type is the god of all. Johto will always be the best region ever (though topaz's Caldera & Kirant will be 2nd)

  27. #27
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    Sounds good. I like what you did with the other 2.

    I would have had vines, but I only found moss. I don't know if you people do this, but I just stole colors and items from elsewhere. This happened to all be from the safari zone, or that city that it is in (grass roof, moss from buildinge, couple other things).

  28. #28
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    Why are the fasn different on the second one quinn made?

  29. #29
    Thats what she said
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    I'll get to it later, I might be swimming today!
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  30. #30
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    its still a cool idea. I like how we are making them different.

  31. #31
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    @Quinn: Lucky.
    @MI: Agrees

  32. #32
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    what about hanzos? how do you make a ninja gym unless its like a dojo but then people will think fighting type.

  33. #33
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    Isn't he poison? That could be swamp-like. Green and purple all over.

  34. #34
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    wow these gyms look awesome!!!
    maybe i should change up the gyms in my region but i'll wait first since it's still gotta be figured out...
    the gyms look great so far and i like the windmill gym but maybe a slightly smaller windmill on top???
    and possibly the fact that it could slow down and even stop for a while (following the way real windmills work according to the weather)
    but i wouldn't go any farther than that...
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  35. #35
    Thats what she said
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    I could see about the windmill smaller, though the real ones have HUGE propeller thingies. The stopping thing, I'm not so sure of though...might be a bit tough to program that, knowing they are only frames.

    I got back from swimming so I'm gonna work with Fernando's gym, with the trees.
    DO U LIKE WATER????? then u like 75% of me.

    Water type is the god of all. Johto will always be the best region ever (though topaz's Caldera & Kirant will be 2nd)

  36. #36
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    that's cool...
    you don't have to slow it down or stop it if it's gonna take too much to make it work it was just some thoughts..
    i understand the large blades on a windmill but this looks like it might annoy people by being in the way or moving too much...
    outside of that though it looks great and i can handel the movement and size i thought it'd be better smaller since it's not a big town (last i remember)
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    If I find the time, I'l' shorten them a bit, but the stop and change direction thing I couldn't do...unless the gif was reversed.
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  38. #38
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    Quinn, I like what you did with Froy's gym. Not a big fan of Therma's gym though (no pun intended). It's supposed to be a library, fans just don't make sense. It'll also clash with the rest of the city.

    Also, I'm not sure how RPG Maker XP works, but aren't all animations done frame-by-frame? If so you'll have to include all the frames as well, and not just a .gif file (which I'm not sure is even usable).

  39. #39
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    I do think that it needs more of a flying-type feel, though.

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    give the turbines da boot and give a birds nest for therma
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