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Thread: Introductions/Farewells Topic

  1. #201
    aut vincere aut mori
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    Alright, I'm glad you popped in at least. I was getting a bit worried with IB on vacation and you gone. Cause no admins = me in charge, and I don't think anyone wants that. I would probably beg MLEX to run this place instead of me.

  2. #202
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    Haha. I don't think you'd do such a bad job.

    And apparently, I lied. I can't work on the soundtrack stuff because STT never replied to my PM and Pikang didn't give his input either so I'll have to touch base with them. For now I'll work on maps.

  3. #203
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    *pokes head in* Hey, guys. I'm back. I'm sorry, I didn't have time to get the other overworlds done yet, but I will do them as soon as humanly possible. This week, it's been 'get up at 7, haul your butt across campus and write all day, work through serious sleep deprivation, suffocating heat outside, freezing dorms, stay up til at least midnight listening to everyone else's work at open mic when you want nothing more than to sleep, while without wi-fi.' Again, I'll get the sprites done as soon as I can.

    Glad to hear you're okay, MI.

    lol RP, sorry I wasn't here to help with that.

  4. #204
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    good to see ya back, Mew.
    NINJA! <-- Click here for Profile.
    Over here is the thread.--> ADVENCHA'!

  5. #205
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    Wow sounds rough MewLover, almost as if you were in basic training for the marines.

  6. #206
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    Um, hi. I just joined yesterday. I probably won't be able to help very much but maybe I'll vote in some things I saw while I was lurking here.

  7. #207
    Thats what she said
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    *sandslash. It's still something. We welcome you Even constructive critisism is good.

    *mewlover. WOW! although the weater conditions weren't as bad, (still freezing rain), and it was only 2 days, that actually sounds like my skills tournament in woodworking. It was really fun in the end, but listening to all of the peoples talks, and all the other stuff....AAAAAHHHH.
    DO U LIKE WATER????? then u like 75% of me.

    Water type is the god of all. Johto will always be the best region ever (though topaz's Caldera & Kirant will be 2nd)

  8. #208
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    I just got back from a week of D&D with a few friends (yes, I'm an ubernerd), and it was a blast. In-game, I got thrown out of a fire truck by a crazy woman, and we murdered Satan and a few other bosses, the Satan encounter resulted in my character becoming Death. :P I'm back now, so it's good to see the blueness of these pages again.

  9. #209
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    Quote Originally Posted by Choice Band Shuckle View Post
    Um, hi. I just joined yesterday. I probably won't be able to help very much but maybe I'll vote in some things I saw while I was lurking here.
    Being an active poster (or voter) is a tremendous help in itself. Welcome!

  10. #210
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    Quote Originally Posted by zeroality View Post
    Wow sounds rough MewLover, almost as if you were in basic training for the marines.
    Quote Originally Posted by Quinn View Post
    *mewlover. WOW! although the weater conditions weren't as bad, (still freezing rain), and it was only 2 days, that actually sounds like my skills tournament in woodworking. It was really fun in the end, but listening to all of the peoples talks, and all the other stuff....AAAAAHHHH.
    Definitely. Aside from that, though, it was amazing. I realized that I'm not alone with how I feel when it comes to writing [shunned by peers, with no one to talk to that has actually been where I'm at now], I'm not alone. It was incredible to be able to talk to so many people that understood and could help me with the writing process.

    Am now inspired to continue seeking an agent. 8-)

    And welcome, Choice Band Shuckle!

  11. #211
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    In case I forget, I'm leaving friday morning for vacation. Should be fun. Lots of hiking, biking, swimming, et cetera. Might have wi-fi, but I probably won't be on at all.

  12. #212
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    Well, hello everybody.

    Just thought I'd drop in and say hi. I'm looking around and such.

    I don't really have any skills that would help, unless you're in need of a poststalker, someone with almost no life, or someone who is rather...odd to say the least?

    Wow, my first post! I'm so cool now! /notrly

    Oh, you guys can call me Phil or AKP. The alt name is to avoid a random "THANKS ANGEL, YOU REALLY ARE ONE!" moment. Guess there really isn't a reason to hide behind a very obvious alt.
    Last edited by Angel Knight Phil; 07-02-10 at 12:16 AM. Reason: Name association

  13. #213
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    Welcome! That's exactly how I felt when I first came. What I found was a good place to start was Pokedex enteries, if you'd be interested.

    And how is...DLI?

    Anyways, I'll try to sneak on to post some extremely helpful comments this next week, but probably not happening.

  14. #214
    aut vincere aut mori
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    HI ANGEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /shot

  15. #215
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    /goes to haxify RP forever and ever. Thanks guys. Oh, for those who don't know, I'm an RPG Mod on OI. Yay and such. It's not like I'm trying to look to be staff here or anything...I'm just looking around for something to do, like always.

  16. #216
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    Welcome to Topaz, man. Despite what you say I'm sure you can contribute lots of things, such as ideas or comments. Check the Questions and Suggestions topics in Topaz General.

  17. #217
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    Hey. My interest shot back up again, so...here I am.

  18. #218
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    Hey guys, I've been absent again but I finally went to the doctor and got a prescription refill. I slept a good 14 hours earlier so I'm here and ready to get back to business.

    Welcome Angels, as I've said many times in the past, just posting and commenting is a great way to contribute!

    Good to see ya back around here Zenith, I've enjoyed reading your insightful posts and hope you continue to make them.

  19. #219
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    Zero, Philly Cheese up there is a good one for tourneys. We should try to get him in them.

  20. #220
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    Quote Originally Posted by ragingprimeape View Post
    Zero, Philly Cheese up there is a good one for tourneys. We should try to get him in them.
    Wait what? Philly Cheese who?

    Anyway I thought we were going to stop doing tournaments? It seems to be harder and harder these days to get people to do their matches, including myself.

  21. #221
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    Demon Lord up there. If we ever start doing them again, of course.

  22. #222
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    I would definetly sign up, but I'm horrible with competitive battles, I'm just the all power dude. I would definetly though if I could. (Lol, to get my ass kicked by a rigged ratatata)
    DO U LIKE WATER????? then u like 75% of me.

    Water type is the god of all. Johto will always be the best region ever (though topaz's Caldera & Kirant will be 2nd)

  23. #223
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    We'll, I've returned. I might post pictures once they make their way onto the computer.

    I will say that New York was better than I expected.

  24. #224
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    Back again from my friend's, with a more detailed explanation of our weird-ass D&D adventure:

    This is quite possibly the weirdest D&D-based RPG you will ever hear about.

    First, everyone is a furry, and almost everyone is the same race (Lycan, but not the Lycan idea that is the most common.), Two of us are vampires, one is a ninja (me), Two have watches and AI (Me (my character's name is Kodai Sodrall) and Sly (who's an NPC)), My character and Sly know each other, but Sly is in love with my friend Dylan's character, Jake. Two of us are Psionics that dematerialise and kill people for the hell of it. I was once Death himself, we knocked Satan on his ass and battled a god five times, killing him twice. One of us (Mike Blade, NPC) likes to have sex with anything that moves, and at one point every character has owned a katana. We has Apocalypto I, who had his balls ripped off and burned by Carra, one of the Psionics. Ghost, the other Psionic, tried to kill everyone with illusions not realising that because I'm undead, I'm immune to mind-affecting stuff, and then got his ass kicked. Before that I clobbered Carra in one hit with a katana that Death permanently morphed from his scythe (48 damage!). Death remembered Sly saved his life and didn't like being Death anymore, so he quit.

    All that and we still have to fight the water god and kill another ninja.

    Read that and try to tell me it's not weird.

  25. #225
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    Not understanding that at all.

    So, seems that it is easier to get on up here than I thought. Only a couple times a day, though.

  26. #226
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    lol. I think I got a shot of something when I read that jk. Whats the games name? (not that I could play it, but still)
    DO U LIKE WATER????? then u like 75% of me.

    Water type is the god of all. Johto will always be the best region ever (though topaz's Caldera & Kirant will be 2nd)

  27. #227
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    It's a form of Dungeons&Dragons 3.5 made by my friend, I'll have to fetch the rules and sh1t when I go over next.

  28. #228
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    UBERNERDS RULE!!! at least when it comes to RPGs such as D&D, and Hello to both DLI and CBS! I hope the 2 of you will have a good and fun time here while u help out where it's needed...

    BTW Welcome back Irot!! I wasn't sure if you were gonna come back and was really hoping you would! The music you've made is really awesome!!!
    (sadly i cant seem to get stt's music and i dont remember the reason y...)

    going back to that thing with the tournaments is that gonna be on a ds or the site some where where people rp it?
    cause if its on a ds i'm not exactly able to do it since mine died sometime back (apparently they are'nt designed to work without their lids)
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  29. #229
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    you everyone. I'm Totodileman, formerly lover. I couldn't get my password for anything, so I am here now as the "man"

    I can't do much, but I can vote for whats left of shinies, and some constructive critisism. My friend quinn says not many shinies are left though.

  30. #230
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    dude! ur back! Surprise! I haven't seen you on anything. (and now I know why) you gotta choose easy passwords. Stuff only you would know though.
    DO U LIKE WATER????? then u like 75% of me.

    Water type is the god of all. Johto will always be the best region ever (though topaz's Caldera & Kirant will be 2nd)

  31. #231
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    @ Ragingprimeape

    But I have a whole slew of new Pokemon to get familiar with! My brain is going to explode

    EDIT: Oh, and I've already rummaged through some of the Pokemon and have already fallen in love with Ferrian (in a total non-creepy way).

  32. #232
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    let's try and keep it that way...
    i fell in love with the dragon legendaries cause they PWN 4LL!!! and i've always like dragons cause they're freaking powerful....
    y is it nobody's made a trex pokemon for the main games yet???
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  33. #233
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    Hey dudes, looks to be an awesome project you've got here.
    I doubt I myself will be any use to it practically, however, but I'll be along for the ride and will post comments/thoughts here and there.
    Keep up the good work!

  34. #234
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    That's cool, comments and criticisms are actually very important to assure that we end up with a quality game. Welcome!

  35. #235
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    yes welcome!!!
    actually the more people the better (though i believe past a certain point it just gets worse but i'm sure we're a long long long long way away from that at the moment...)
    so yes comments, and thoughts and criticisms are very welcomed...
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  36. #236
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    Me and my bro are going to be on vacation for the next two weeks. I'll be checking in on my phone though.

  37. #237
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    Have a lovely vacation RP!

  38. #238
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    In about half an hour, I'm leaving to go see Lady Gaga in concert. I probably won't be on again tonight [or if I am, not for long]. Tomorrow evening, I'm leaving for Orlando, and will be back next week. I won't have net access, as I don't know if the hotel has wifi, and in any case, I'm leaving my laptop at home. So... I'll try to be on before I leave tomorrow. If I can't, I'll see you all soon.

    Edit: It's just after 2 here, and we're going to leave in a few minutes. Adios.
    Last edited by MewLoverEX; 07-18-10 at 07:04 PM.

  39. #239
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    lucky. Orlando. I wanna go there someday.

    Ironicy, I'm going on vacation as well myself. I think either thursday or friday. Not sure though. Going up to Idaho (you da' what?) to see the blue angels...along with a LOAD of other stuff. I will have my little notebook though...so I'll still be on every once in a while (lol...if I'm not tired or whatever). I'm gonna record the stuff so ya'll can see the awesomness.

    ...like MLE...I'm gonna make a "good bye present thingy". Wont be anywhere near as good...but still. I'm working on it now.
    DO U LIKE WATER????? then u like 75% of me.

    Water type is the god of all. Johto will always be the best region ever (though topaz's Caldera & Kirant will be 2nd)

  40. #240
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    i enterd a a talent contest
    i'm through to the semis!!!!!!!!!
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    3DS Friend code: 3711-7748-4916
    I has X, Looking for Y stones, will trade for good stuff.

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