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Thread: Quinn's maps.

  1. #121
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    I know about the artificial pokecenter, but earlier I said I changed my mind. Neon has a strong point, and the mart would still bring more, although it isn't a deadlock.

    if there is more opinion about the gym, I can add it up there. But yet again, I'm really trying to finish this up, so I think in 2 more edits (if even that) it should be done. Including the hidious tree that I really need some help with.
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  2. #122
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    so I take it everyone likes the roothaven now?
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  3. #123
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    If we can actually get a working tileset for that tree, then It looks good I guess.

  4. #124
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    yah, there lies the problem...the tree. I'm probably one of the worst spriteres here, so I KNOW AS A FACT I alone can't do it.

    So here it is...roothaven.

    I think I captured the theme of it. I listened to the music on repeat to get a feel. (thats what I do with most all of my maps. Upbeat, still calm, and not too citylike.
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  5. #125
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    Perfect. Except, of course, for the tree.

    I must say though, in reality, I'd NEVER go to the treehouses. No guard rails...too high...

    One of the cities should have the Pacifidlog houses.

  6. #126
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    To be honest, I'm a little worried about how...partitioned it is. Every major area feels isolated from the others. It just doesn't feel natural. And considering the amout of flat ground, why are there four houses built on top of a perfectly rectangular grove of trees, and one above a couple trees that are themselves on a hill? There aren't enough trees to warrant needing to build them there.

    The total lack of detail on the water is also bugging me, but there aren't even any detail tiles for non-ocean water in the FRLG tileset, are there? Is there any way we could rip in details from somewhere else?

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zenith View Post
    To be honest, I'm a little worried about how...partitioned it is. Every major area feels isolated from the others. It just doesn't feel natural. And considering the amout of flat ground, why are there four houses built on top of a perfectly rectangular grove of trees, and one above a couple trees that are themselves on a hill? There aren't enough trees to warrant needing to build them there.
    This. Why is there even that mountainous bit anyways?

  8. #128
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    It gives texture. It also gives the height that is needed to further enhance the tree. Without them they would also give Haventree tunnel an awkward look.

    that might actually go somewhere cynd. Lets see how stuff goes, who knows, it might be perfect for one later. and yah, if this was real life, I would be scared to death of going up to the houses without gaurds. Of course same with Fortree. Fall into trees and get penetrated....oouuuch!

    anyways, here is an update with an actually good tree. I cheated with the tree. I found a wood tile on a world of warcraft dungeon and dragon thingy, so I ripped a part of it. the little tile had more than 256 colors, and I was able to get it down to 8-10. PWNED! I also used the idea of grass crawling on the roots.


    and the city with the new tree, along with headbutting trees (I freakin love those shaking trees. I could heatbutt them for hrs just to watch em shake )
    Last edited by Quinn; 07-08-10 at 04:25 AM.
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  9. #129
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    A) No it doesn't it just looks pointless,
    B) You're telling me you believe it looks better to have a giant tree on the side of a mountain when it would fall over in a strong breeze because half its roots would be sticking out the side,
    C) It doesn't add anything, just lower it to the ground,
    D) I wasn't refering to the bottom left area, just to clarify. Although it wouldn't stretch like that since it'd be mostly underground.

  10. #130
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    YES! I am saying a giant tree looks good on a cliff. Gives more height and "power". If its level, it looks weak, but with the height, it prevails. Like mountains. They look all big, but valleys look not so strong.

    I dont know if you live up around the mountains like me, but around where I live, there are trees that are exactly like that. Roots comming out of the hills and everything. "Lets see if you can rip one out." It takes just as much power as one on flat land.

    Tunnels aren't completely underground. Sure part of them, but they have to surface somewhere. In the town where it connects, it could pop up a bit late, so you have your level, but still.

    Hills are good. For a place like it, it shouldn't be flat. I dont see why so so strongly against them. ESPECIALLY, along with mistvale, the cities are by mount mist. At 1st, I thought there wasn't enough for being so close to the mountain.

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  11. #131
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    Uh no. If you're going to have a giant tree make it realistic. If you're gonna stick it on a mountain then at least have the roots spread as much as they should, and also there would be nearly as many trees and that'd kill the walkway thing. Roots that big'd starve out all the surrounding trees.

  12. #132
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    Look here

    Pokemon doesn't have to be exactly realistic. For one, if its a city with that much tree's in the 1st place, there would be a reason that that tree could grow; because all the nutrition. 2nd, tell me, does fortree city seem real? If that same concept with nutrition applied, not all of those tree's would exist.

    I would like more comments instead of just me and BTG bickering back and forth.

    What about the tree?

    In the description of Roothaven, it says there is another tunnel, that goes to the other route. I dont think that should be. How I have the entrance, I personally think that is better. Even for me, that would be adding too much cliff stuff. Instead, it could exit to route 208, and from there, right in front of you, there is a tunnel. From there, you go there, and you exit on the other side. And thats where the rain and thunder would be.

    I was reading about hollowlog city, and I saw something about a legend between the 2. I dont know if we still are keeping that or not, but I have an idea. Roothaven is built on the giant tree, right? Hollowlog is a collapsed tree, right. (yes I have some ideas to make that work) Here is is...Roothaven's tree, and Hollowlogs tree were once both standing. Legend has it that once every 2000 years, One tree falls, but releases a seed to replace it. Hollowlog is the fallen tree, and Roothaven's is the seed. (it was carried a couple routes, of course, with wind and water and stuff) about 1000 years later, the tree is growing enormous and Roothaven was built on this tree, while Hollowlog was build on the deceased tree. So in the next 1000 years, Roothaven's tree will fall, completely destroy the city, but another seed will be released.

    How does that sound? It talks about lots of stuff. The origin of the trees, how roothaven is the "spiritual gathering spot where people come to admire and appreciate nature" etc.
    Last edited by Quinn; 07-09-10 at 12:27 AM.
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  13. #133
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    The rounded brown area is supposed to be roots, right? Hopefully those will get some detail later on. How are we limited on pallettes? It would really help if they were a more earthy brown than the gray-brown mountains.

    The map is a improvement, artistically, but there's still something missing. It almost feels too mountainous. There's a lack of ground detail, but I'm guessing the map is a WIP. Some of the buildings are unusually placed (Why is the item shop so far out of the way?). And the entrance to Haventree Tunnel still looks awkward, because the only cave entrances we have in the set are south-facing ones. Some kind of stairs leading underground, like in A Link to the Past, would work a lot better for a tunnel, and be easier to work with.

  14. #134
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    tree is up for edit. I dont know if I should make another custom tile, but I might just for "to look at" If we like it, then it would work. It is still a working progress, but not for long. Like I said, I only wanna do at the most 2 more edits before it is done. I'm getting really tired of it. It has taken 4 pages worth of stuff.

    I think I get what you mean by the tunnel. I'll work with it. If it doesn't turn out pretty though, I'll keep the cave thingy.

    Last, buildings are easy to move, at least the ones on the ground. The mart is supposed to be around top right. Pokecenter is Center left, and the gym is lower center. That way they aren't all in a clump.

    (this is the critisim I like, not "targeting me" with accidental double posts, and other stuff.) BTG, give me constructive...and not with the hills. If his tunnel thing works, that should be enough mountain loss. Yet again, this is by a mountain.

    What about "the legend?"
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  15. #135
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    Waaaay to dismiss contructive critism because you're getting all pissy, I mean, Annoyed. Yes, annoyed is what I meant. That one looks better IMO because it actually looks like there's a giant tree large enough that the city is built around the roots of it. Anyway refering to yours; It doesn't make it look mountainous. Take a look at any mountain, even the ones in pokemon, and do you see a single one which forms perfectly straight edges for two levels then trees throughout? NO. Also, why does the mountain only affect one corner then? Just like the tree needs to affect more so does the mountain. And BTW, Fortree is realistic, you can get thick vegatation like that but not if you stick a massive tree in the middle.

  16. #136
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    I'm sorry, but pokemon, as a rule, is NOT REALISTIC. How does a small creature expel massive amounts of water, for example?

  17. #137
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    Take a look at any "mountainous" area in pokemon. That clearly isn't mountainous, even by Pokemon standards.

  18. #138
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    alright. 1 more edit. I swear it better be a good one. Sorry Neon, my "thank you" to you was taken out. I'm still really happy how you have been helping me with these, and if you have anymore of those maps you never showed, send them to me, and I'll put bits and pieces in my new comming ones. Since this one WILL be finished in the next couple days.

    Anyways. I'm not absolute what you mean't with the zelda thingy, but I found a new cave entrance that enters underground. Seems like a better chance of realism. Also tried to make it look more like a dirt color. Had to create about 4 more for the cave, and I tried working with the trees under the houses a bit...although when I sat them back on it, they covered most of my work :P

    By the way BTG...although we are in disagreement on this map, are you still gonna do any?
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  19. #139
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    Some, those that I can I'll try. Anyway point of criticism:NOT ENOUGH ROOTS! ROOTHAVEN NEEDS ROOTS! I MEAN
    Quote Originally Posted by descripption on mainpage
    Roothaven is built among the roots of an enormous tree, which provides food for its carefree citizens.

    Back to the point of me making maps:
    I only have the limited capacity of what's in the FRLG and RSE roms and my Paint powers to make maps with, but yeah, I'll try to do some more.

    EDIT: some random ice cave, do what you will with it, ignore the pokemon/item ball/pokedex.
    Last edited by Black Temple Gaurdian; 07-09-10 at 05:00 PM.

  20. #140
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    do you need the sheets? I can get mine to you in less than a heartbeat.

    Roots, I was also thinking, but that is another custom tile...another that I would fail on.
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  21. #141
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    Umm, I dunno, I'm actually hacking the game when I make these and I don't really know if I can insert sheets without overriding the pregame ones, although I could add the non-ingame ones in on paint... Yeah sure why not. An easyish way to make it look more "rooty" would be to have the grass tile be tangled with small roots although larger roots would still be needed. Also, if this trees so large, wouldn't it be easier just to have it off-screen?

    Also, any comments on the map?

    EDIT: I'm liking your edit but it's still to uniform, try moving the top layer back a bit and make irregular shapes with it.
    Last edited by Black Temple Gaurdian; 07-09-10 at 05:02 PM.

  22. #142
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    idk what you mean with the top layer back and stuff...but here is all that I've got. I've also got a couple that I'm "revamping" and creating, so people who download this...you get to see some of my secrets.

    ps, I use photoshop, there there might be a psd somewhere, though I'm not sure.

    (Since upload data isn't much, I had to delete my "balls" out of the item sprites. Whats up with the low amount of space?)
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  23. #143
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    looking at your cave, it looks good, but the walking in ice part, when you walk down the stairs going up, that isn't the right tile. I'm trying to find that tile, along with side mountain tiles, since they are only in 5th gen. Have a 4th gen based one.

    How do you return to the center ladder? Does the one in the top left take it up to a level it can return to it? I like it, though I can't think of somewhere it could be used. Maybe just a small floor in mt frost, although that is already made.

    Mt Frost (where was fangking getting some of those tiles? Some aren't in the sheet) LOADS of images!
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  24. #144
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    You go all the way along the top, down then back up.

  25. #145
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    Wow. Props to Fangking, he really nailed that.

    I really like the new tunnel entrance, and the small improvements to the old map help, but the areas of town are still too separated from each other. The way the raised paths are used as chokepoints bugs me. And the tree still looks flat, but I can't draw original sprites worth ****, so I can't really talk there.

  26. #146
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    Yah that tree really needs some help. Shading and some just plain editing.
    BTG, I dont hack with my maps, so I still dont know. My layers are different. Like "tree layer", "bulding layer", "dirt layer", "path layer" and together they make it. Its makes easier...though they can still be a be-otch.

    I'm also not sure what *zeneth you mean by chokepoints. Yah, people do HAVE to walk on them to get around, but same as fortree. You can take the upper path, where the mart and tree are and go through the houses and stuff, or the quick path by the tunnel, that just goes over the river and comes back down.
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  27. #147
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    Actually Fangking didn't make Mt. Frost, which is why some tiles aren't in his tileset. They're going to have to be redone anyway, the huge sliding floor and complicated strength puzzles are a bit too much.

  28. #148
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    I like the puzzles. Its later in the game so they should have to think a bit by then.

  29. #149
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    so...is there anymore edits? I looked over quickly, and I can't see anything, though I think I'm forgetting one last thing....yet I dont know what, except the roots.
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  30. #150
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    moving the top layer of cliffs. As for the layers, you have the first line of cliff, layer 1, and the second line, layer 2. Layer 0 is the ground. I'm talking about the "hieght" on the map.

  31. #151
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    alright, I think I got watcha mean. I'll work with it, along with trying to develop some roots.
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  32. #152
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    Bear with me, took me a little to get back here.

    What I mean is that the major problem is the 2 tile high hill in the middle of the city, and the raised platform without a house above it. To get between the southeast part of the city and the rest of it, you have to touch the stairs on the hill, the ladder, and the platform. It just doesn't make sense for a decently populated city to force everyone to take one single-person-wide path at one point in order to get around. It almost feels like the hill was put there just for the sake of putting something there. Was it?

  33. #153
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    I'm not sure what you mean exactly...but I can widen the stairs. Make em so more people "could" go through (not that that would ever happen) Also, thats another reason why I think cyndadiles idea with the 2 different ladder areas was a good idea.

    (I've got roots made...from a pokemon move...take a guess . its VERY obvious. :P. I also got started on the next route. Lastly, since the roots are an add on...I will do ONE more edit, after the one tommorow...since you might not like the roots. That would be the final edit though, to the roots, only if necessary)
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    Frenzy Plant

  35. #155
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    Right on! Like I said, it is obvious.
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  36. #156
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quinn View Post
    That would be the final edit though
    Don't give yourself a limit.

    I believe Zenith wanted a wider bridge-thingy. I think it is fine, though; it is the same as Fortree, which has a similar population.

  37. #157
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    true, but to a point. Roothaven has had 4 pages worth of talk, and its time to wrap it up. I've also got 2 routes made..and a starting to abandoned swamp.
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  38. #158
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyndadile View Post
    Don't give yourself a limit.

    I believe Zenith wanted a wider bridge-thingy. I think it is fine, though; it is the same as Fortree, which has a similar population.
    Yes but the bridges are needed in fortree because there is no other way past. Here it just feels like an addon for an addons sake. Also, the platform's done wrong, the ladder only takes up one squar, not two.

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    Look again. Technically, the bridges are the only way past here, too, untill you get surf.

  40. #160
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    Yes, but why would the people create two building-hieght mounds (the only way they could have logically gotten there) to plant trees on then build ropebridges across to connect them, as apposed to building another bridge?

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