Pokémon Topaz - Pokeball Sprites

These are the new and unique Pokéballs that will be available in Pokémon Topaz.

Dune Ball - Works better on Pokémon found in sand. [1x usual catch rate, 3x in Sand]
Orion Ball - Given to you by the Orion Defenders if you join. Maximizes happiness. 2x capture rate.
Rocket Ball - Given to you by the Rockets if you join. Minimizes happiness. 2x capture rate.
Solar Ball - Works better on Fire and Light type Pokémon. [1x usual catch rate, 3x on Fire and Light types]
Storm Ball - Works better when used during heavy rain. [1x usual catch rate, 3x in Heavy Rain]
Vine Ball - Works better on Pokémon found in tall grass. [1x usual catch rate, 3x in Tall Grass]
Page last updated on: 04-26-11 11:44:27 PM GMT