Conversation Between Mase and ImmunityBow

  1. ImmunityBow
    Cool, thanks.
  2. Mase
    Irot Rebod I believe is his user name for this. I honestly think the pokemon starter kit complicates it. But it would have taken a lot to convert XP to handle pokemon and what not. Still figuring out the starter kit then I'll start on items.
  3. ImmunityBow
    Thanks. Just for reference, who was the friend that told you about us?
  4. Mase
    Alright. It'll take me a bit to read through the starter kit. Then I'll get to the items and what not.
  5. ImmunityBow
    Hey, great to have you on board. We're actually using a Pokemon game starter kit for RMXP which will make things easier, so you might want to get familiar with it first.

    Check it out here:

    The thing you can really help with is abilities and items, if possible. We've got a list of items here and abilities here. If you could look into it at least to see how viable everything is I'd appreciate it a lot.
  6. Mase
    Hello I have been sent to you to see how I can help out. I use RPG Maker VX which is similar to XP, although I cannot Ruby Script I can event or map. Just let me know what I can do to help.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6