I had hoped to get more done than this but I kept getting distracted. Having some family issues right now and had to deal with it more today than I thought I would. I've also had a horrible freaking headache all day long.

I did get the code for the layout structure done though so I'll go ahead and let you guys take a look. I need opinions on the color scheme. I tried making the header/sidebar the same dark blue as we have on top of the forums but didn't think it looked good at all but I'll let you guys decide.

I also tried making the main background blue instead of grey but that was just way too much blue on the page. If anybody has any color suggestions for any part of the layout, I'm open to them.


Links will NOT work on any version of IE (except maybe IE9 beta) because this is HTML5. I will add in IE support later; it'll work on IE7 and 8 when I am done.