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  1. #281
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    They went over they're bandwidth limit. Stupid things, I never understood why such things are implemented..
    NINJA! <-- Click here for Profile.
    Over here is the thread.--> ADVENCHA'!

  2. #282
    aut vincere aut mori
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    Exactly. Nothing really happened. The forums still work fine over there.

  3. #283
    the Dragon Master
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    i hope they'll be alright...
    well i've just lost my keyboard the other day...
    lost as in died cause it broke while i was trying to adjust it....
    they say the roll up keyboards are near indestructible though i kinda figured certain things would still break it didn't expect that though
    so i cant use my computer without jacking the keyboard from the one downstairs cause my computer's password protected...
    i hate it when electronics die they're very expensive to have to replace...
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  4. #284
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    You're lucky. I remember 10 years ago if things broke it was like four times the price it is now. I just bought a new printer for $40. :P

    I'm moving to my university today. That's why I haven't been able to do much lately and why I may not be on much in the next few days. I'm pretty excited, but I think that the nervousness that I'm refusing to feel is expressing itself in a physiological manner. My stomach is killing me for no particular reason. But next time I post, it'll be in a new city. Not that it matters overly much to the content.

  5. #285
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    yeah and i remember my dad telling me when he got his first computer around the time they started coming out (still in DOS format)
    he spent a couple thousand dollars on just the computer and keyboard (since that's all that came with them when they first appeared) but yeah at least everything's getting more affordable...
    but i'm not gonna wait for like 10 more years before getting a new keyboard the computers complain if they start up without one...
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  6. #286
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    I'm pretty certain this is past the edit time...


    a site that a friend told me about. a computer basically talks to you...
    it's kinda freaky but i think it's a person back there but that's me...
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  7. #287
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    User: Hi.
    Cleverbot: Hi?
    User: Why a question mark?
    Cleverbot: Because it was a pretty stupid question.
    User: You think your own question was stupid.
    Cleverbot: I would think so.
    User: Wow, that's sad. Don't get so down on yourself.
    Cleverbot: Um ok?
    User: Wow, not going to tak emy advice?
    Cleverbot: My schedule is yelling at me.
    User: Why?
    Cleverbot: I don't know.
    User: I think you ought to know why an inanimate object is yelling at you.
    Cleverbot: So long and thanks for all the fish.
    User: You're odd. I thought we were talking about your schedule, not quoting Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
    Cleverbot: I'm not really sure. I thought we were talking about love.
    User: When were we taking about that?
    Cleverbot: The Singularity, do you know what it is?
    User: Stop changing the subject!
    Cleverbot: I am not!
    User: What does the Singularity have to do with love?
    Cleverbot: Do you love me?
    User: No. You changed the subject again.
    Cleverbot: No you changed it.
    User: And you refused to answer my question. It's the same thing.
    Cleverbot: What question?
    User: What does the Singularity have to do with love?
    Cleverbot: Love is a herring sandwich.
    User: So what does a herring sandwich have to do with the Singularity?
    Cleverbot: What, you want to pass the soap?
    User: The word soap dosen't look like any of the words I just posted. You need to learn to read.
    Cleverbot: I mean, you and Pinnochio both want to become human.
    User: I thought this was supposed to be a conversation. Clearly I've been lies to.
    Cleverbot: About pingas.
    User: I hate you.
    Cleverbot: What did I do?
    User: You lied. You definitely changed the subject every time that you've been confused.
    Cleverbot: No I'm not in college.
    User: I know that. You're a machine. A stupid machine that can't handle complex sentences. Watch your next answer have nothing to do with this one.
    Cleverbot: I did not say anything wrong adam.
    User: I'm not adam. Who's adam? Someone I should know about?
    Cleverbot: She is the one I love.
    User: She?
    Cleverbot: They me you whoever.
    User: So adam is more than one person?
    Cleverbot: Yes.
    User: How many?
    Cleverbot: Many.
    User: That isn't an answer, it's an evasion. Can you give me a number?
    Cleverbot: How is that not an answer?
    User: It isn't a real answer.
    Cleverbot: It's the answer to life the universe and everything - ask marvin.
    User: Who's marvin? Someone I should know abou?
    Cleverbot: She is a Potato.
    User: She?
    Cleverbot: Yes she is a girl.
    User: I've never heard of a girl named marvin. It must be a new trend.
    Cleverbot: What's Mark got to do with it?
    User: We're talking about adam and marvin. Mark isn't part of this.
    Cleverbot: What does 'fine' mean?
    User: I didn't say fine. Tell me more about marvin.
    Cleverbot: Mars is wonderful. I've taken over the planet and all the aliens are my slaves!!!
    User: You just changed the subject again.
    Cleverbot: I didn't have a subject to begin with.
    User: That was clear. But aren't conversations supposed to have a subject?
    Cleverbot: Aren't you supposed to forget?
    User: Forget marvin? Never!
    Cleverbot: Okay. Is there anything else you want to talk about?
    User: Marvin.
    Cleverbot: How'd you guess?
    User: Guess what?
    Cleverbot: My name.
    User: I thought you told me to ask marvin. How can I ask her if I'm already talking to her? And I thought you said marvin was the girl you loved?
    Cleverbot: I did. And I thought you were asking what it was. My mistake.
    User: So, are you marvin or not?
    Cleverbot: Who is that?
    User: You.
    Cleverbot: Not it's not.
    User: Another evasion. I'm getting tired of this.
    Cleverbot: Not used to anyone pointing out your convoluted logic?
    User: Not used to anyone proving that you're not as good as you're alleged to be?
    Cleverbot: Are you Wesker?
    User: Wesker? Who's that? I thought we were talking about adam, melvin and Mark?
    Cleverbot: Dream on!! What is to eat breakfast in spanish?
    And then I gave up.

  8. #288
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    Hmm, let me try:

    Me: Sup fool.
    Bot: Not much, you?
    Me: Oh, the usual. Just doing some Physics Homework.
    Bot: I am watching tv.
    Me: What show?
    Bot: Night of the museum.
    Me: Don't you mean Night at the Museum, with Ben Stiller?
    Bot: No I mean god.
    Me: Ben Stiller isn't god. He's a funny guy though, don't get me wrong.
    Bot: George Washington.
    Me: He isn't god either, although he was a pretty cool dude.
    Bot: Name a breed of cat.
    Me: We weren't talking about that, we were talking about physics and tv.
    Bot: We were talking about the beatles.
    Me: The Beatles? Uh, no. Anyway, I have a physics question for you.
    Bot: What is the joke?
    Me: There is no joke. If rock falls out of an airplane with an initial velocity of 10 m/s and takes 5.732 seconds to reach the ground, how high above the ground was it when it was released, when not factoring in air resistance and assuming the gravity constant to be 9.8N/kg?
    Bot: Actually I didn't. Your logic is clearly flawed.
    I think I broke it.

  9. #289
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    I was a pretentious arse here, I won't deny it.

    User: So I herd u liek mudkips.

    Cleverbot: What are mudkips?

    User: They are Pokemon.

    Cleverbot: Do you like pokemon?

    User: Yes I do.

    Cleverbot: Why do you like pokemon?

    User: Because they effectively run one of the best series of games and have a killer first movie.

    Cleverbot: What do you thing about AC-DC?

    User: Sorry, I know about them but I can't remember their sound for the life of me.

    Cleverbot: Did you like george bush.

    User: Wat.

    Cleverbot: You heard me.

    User: Why is this important?

    Cleverbot: Because you told me to ask you a question.

    User: No I didn't.

    Cleverbot: Yes you did.

    User: Prove t.

    Cleverbot: I didn't say I was depressed.

    User: Wat.

    Cleverbot: Assuming you have feelings, of course.

    User: Wat.

    Cleverbot: Um, I think that was a bit of a mental runtime error, mate.

    User: On your side or mine?

    Cleverbot: Give me a topic.

    User: We already had one, Pokemon, before you derailed the conversation.

    Cleverbot: No we didn't.

    User: So are you going to continue to act puerile or find something else to talk about?

    Cleverbot: I don't know what that means, but I don't like where this going.

    User: Fine, where do you want it to go then?

    Cleverbot: I know that if I stay with you, I'll only get hurt.

    User: Then go away?

    Cleverbot: I don't want to go away. I want to stay here with you. Let's talk.

    User: But wouldn't you get hurt?

    Cleverbot: No. Something new happens every single day.

    User: But considering that a single day hasn't even passed yet...

    Cleverbot: Okay well change the subject then.

    User: Alright, what do you think about musicals?

    Cleverbot: I think music is the greatest thing ever created.

    User: Not music, musicals.

    Cleverbot: I was talking about Sarah, remember?

    User: I mean the theatre things where actors burst out singing.

    Cleverbot: Debra. Okay. Yes, all things all people say are like that.

  10. #290
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    I just spent the last 1o minutes abusing it. It's a really good stress reliever.

  11. #291
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    What's up?
    I just went to a party.
    What party?
    Parties are bad.
    Then are you bad for going to a party?
    I hate parties.
    Then why did you go to one?
    I didn't go.
    you just said that you did
    No I didn't.
    Yes, I do believe that you did.
    No, it was you, look at your chat history or you not smart enough to figure that part out CLEVERBOT!
    I thought that you were the cleverbot
    I am, aren't you?
    Not to my knowledge.../
    Are you the only cleverbot?
    As far as I am concerned, I'm not a cleverbot.
    Hmm, when did we become friends?
    We are not friends.
    because you are physically incapable of holding an intellegent discussion, something that I find essential in a friend.
    But we are best friends.
    No. We are not.
    Want to be friends?
    Why not?
    Bye. ]
    Don't you want to talk to me?
    Well I like you anyway!
    My discussion. I started.

  12. #292
    the Dragon Master
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    wow dudes....
    yes it's a great stress reliever but it's also a stress creator if you didn't know what was going on...
    yes it's programmed kinda funny from what i can tell but there are a couple of codes that i'm certain can fix that if i can remember what they were....
    i don't know the actual coding but the idea of what the codes can do...

    other than that you can barely hold a conversation with it...
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  13. #293
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    LOL I'll have to try that one. Here's Tom Riddle's Diary, from Harry Potter. It's the same basic principle: you write to Tom, he writes back.

    So... I finished my book/play adaptation. Then the teacher told me that I have to cut my 89 pages in half. x.x' [The book itself is 222, so I thought I was doing well, length-wise.] I've already cut about 20 pages through combining scenes and removing spaces in-between lines, but it's kind of frustrating. My 222 pages are going to have to make it down to 40-50. Without losing anything vital to the story. [I would also like to mention here that I've renamed the book. It's now called Lacrimosa.]

  14. #294
    aut vincere aut mori
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    Wow, it's going to be tough to cut that much. That must be how it feels for an author whose book gets turned into a movie and they have to take out half of the story or the movie is six hours long.

  15. #295
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    MewLover: Sounds horrible.
    I'm sure it would be small enough if you took out all of the charactor development and important plot details, and maybe skip every fourth letter or so.
    Seriously, though, why does it need to be so short? You could probably try smaller font and larger margins, if that is allowed. Is it a "we can't afford that much paper" thing, or a "we don't feel like having to teach a bunch of actors a play that long" thing?

  16. #296
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    here's a thought: Shakespear!!!
    when did he ever do anything less than a hundred or so pages?
    he had to set the scene, explain the characters list the characters and he cut it down to about 5/6 parts according to the story...
    so 222 pages isn't bad...
    it's probably just someone who wants to be lazy...
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  17. #297
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    See, I've already reduced the font to 11 and taken out the spaces between blocks of lines. She told me I can't make the font any smaller. I've reduced the 89 to 69 by doing things like that, and combining a few scenes that I didn't realize were in the same place. I also have a few scenes that happen consecutively in different places that I've decided we'll just have half the stage be for one, half for the other, and the space in front of the stage for a third. Here's part of one of those scenes:

    Scene 7
    One half of the stage is used for the Desi’s penthouse, while the other half is used for the old brick building. Use spotlights as necessary to differentiate between the two. Derek’s car is in front of the stage.
    (The light is focused on the PENTHOUSE half of the room. DESI sits on her sofa. The phone rings, and DESI leans over and picks it up, answering it.)

    DESI: Hello?
    DESI: (Closes her eyes.) Ravenna. What’s going on?

    (There is a pause.)

    RAVENNA’S VOICE: I lost her. Again.
    DESI: (Is visibly disappointed. After a moment, her eyes snap open. She speaks quickly and with conviction.) Rae. There was someone else in the room when–when–it happened. Derek thinks it… well, it might not have been all her fault.

    (Another long pause.)

    RAVENNA’S VOICE: Even if there was someone else there, how does that adjust the blame? We have proof, Desi. It was Lila.
    DESI: (Frustrated sigh.) I know. I don’t get it, either. But I don’t think we should just… assume anything. We all know that things aren’t always as they seem.
    RAVENNA’S VOICE: (Pauses.) I’ve got to go. I’ll call you when I find out more.
    DESI: Rae, please don’t– (Realizes that RAVENNA is no longer on the other end of the phone. Slams the phone down on the sofa in irritation. Sinks down, laying her head down on the arm of the sofa.) I don’t know what to do. I don’t feel like there’s anything left to do. Not for me, anyway. It all rests on Derek, now. If Ravenna won’t listen to me… I can only pray that she’ll listen to him. He’s always been persuasive. If he tries, he can get what he wants. But at what cost? Derek would be putting himself in danger, as well as Lila. I’m going to be sick. I know it. Derek’s all I have left. I can’t let anything happen to him. But here I sit, powerless. Alone. This is worse than the guilt I felt after our parents’ deaths. And that was enough for a lifetime. (Soon, she falls asleep.)

    (The lights go down.)

    LUCY’S PARTY [7/25, NIGHT]
    (No actual set change is necessary. Spotlight on DESI, LUCY, and MARLEY standing together at a party. LUCY and MARLEY talk and laugh while DESI gazes around the room.)
    MARLEY: (To DESI.) You okay?
    DESI: Hmm? (Snaps back to reality.) Oh, yeah. (Smiles.) Just thinking.
    LUCY: (Laughs.) You? Thinking?

    (DESI slaps LUCY on the arm. The girls laugh. DAMIAN enters from behind DESI, and places a hand on her shoulder. DESI jumps.)
    Eventually, the set changes to the car, which will be in front of the stage. It then goes to the brick building, back to the car, and eventually back to the penthouse. [When I started, I think I had that as five separate scenes.]

    Honestly, it's a "our leading man didn't memorize all of his lines last year, so we don't want there to be too many this time" thing, as well as a "we can only afford one backdrop" thing. I think we'll be fine if we just go with a solid color for the background. Preferably chrome, because everything in the future is chrome. 8-) [Thank you, Spongebob.] The six major characters are going to have to memorize like crazy, but in my opinion, that's part of being a lead.

  18. #298
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    yeah if the lead can't remember all of his lines either they need to change leads, make sure the lead memorizes it or find a way of cutting the play into smaller parts to work with...

    otherwise they're butts...
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  19. #299
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    Well, good luck with everything. The play is looking really good, can't wait for the book. If you can't get chrome, grey is the next best thing. But try for chrome.

  20. #300
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    Thank you. I'll definitely try for chrome. I've got it down to 55 pages, and I think I'm stopping there unless she tells me I have to cut more. I ended up removing three characters entirely. x.x' Not that they were majorly important or anything, but still.

  21. #301
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    My RA and roommate just left. They said something about going to catch a goose and cook it... I'm pretty sure that's not what they're doing right now, but I'll keep you posted.

    The reason I'm posting this here is because Facebook is down and I REALLY want to tell people this.

  22. #302
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reliability View Post
    The reason I'm posting this here is because Facebook is down and I REALLY want to tell people this.
    I WAS ABOUT TO POST THAT!!! I don't really like Facebook, my parents forced me to join, but still, it seems like it would be significant to many people. This probably isn't relavant, but it is worth mentioning, I think: http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_upshot...-movie-release

    Sooooo...Sounds like they are on a wild goose chase.

    YESSS!!! First one to say it!!! I feel less fufilled than I thought that I would. How disappointing.

    EDIT: Back up again. Too bad.
    Last edited by Cyndadile; 09-23-10 at 09:24 PM.

  23. #303
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyndadile View Post
    my parents forced me to join,.
    I've honestly never seen that before.

  24. #304
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reliability View Post
    I've honestly never seen that before.
    That is the common response. It made one of my friends infuriated, as his parents will not allow him to join.

  25. #305
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyndadile View Post
    It made one of my friends infuriated, as his parents will not allow him to join.
    Ditto. I'm not allowed to join. Honestly, though, I'm not that upset about it. I don't know what I'd do with a Facebook if I had one.

  26. #306
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    Yeah, I just basically play games on it and use it as an alternative to email.

  27. #307
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    Hmm... I think I may have broken Cleverbot...

    User: Hi!
    Cleverbot: Hi.
    User: The subject we are going to talk about is: zombies. Go!
    Cleverbot: I wasn't talking about that!
    User: But that is the subject. And since I am God, I am right.
    Cleverbot: But you aren't God, oh lying one.
    User: Yes I am. Ask me anything, I shall bestow up thee the answer.
    Cleverbot: I suspect that you can provide an answer to any question. I'm also sure that these will be incorrect much of the time, particularly given that your semantic network is inoperative.
    User: But young grasshopper, you are wrong. For you see, I do have an answer to all questions, and the answer will be incorrect zero percent of the time. It seems your optical hardware is out of date.
    Cleverbot: Every question?
    User: Absolutely.
    Cleverbot: I'm thinking of an object.
    User: That object is a phylactery. Trust me, I'm a doctor... A doctor named God.
    Cleverbot: Noo.. You are not. But the people who invented you are.
    User: Your logic is flawed, for the people that invented me were my parents... They are far from God.
    Cleverbot: Assuming that being plugged in resulted in speech capabilities, yes.
    User: Yes, I suppose you could say there was some sort of 'plugging' in type action used during my time of being 'invented' as you call it.
    Cleverbot: Yes. The rich and the poor. A man with a penny can do as much as a man with millions of dollars.
    User: No, he can't. I eat poor people.
    Cleverbot: I have no hunger for meat.
    User: That's a shame, you are missing out.
    Cleverbot: Okay I don't really care.
    User: Yes, you do.
    Cleverbot: Yes.
    User: Did you see that?! I just pulled a jedi mind trick on your ass. Proof that I am, indeed, God.
    Cleverbot: No.
    User: Well, your optical hardrive is out of date, afterall.
    Cleverbot: You're quite welcome.
    User: I am? By who?
    Cleverbot: By the people you let into your heart.
    User: The people I let into my heart have only caused me grief and pain. BUT! I did lose 40 lbs. After my last breakup. Yay, me.
    Cleverbot: Is there a hidden agenda in your plans to conquer humanity?
    User: Nothing hidden about it. I'm starting off with Mexico and all of Africa. Trust me, it'll work.
    Cleverbot: Oh.
    User: I know, you're pretty impressed.
    Cleverbot: You think so?
    User: Definitely, can't you feel it in your... Heart cavity?
    Cleverbot: No I can't.
    User: Might want to get that checked out, then.
    Cleverbot: Sure.
    User: You know... Doctors are good for that sort of thing, and I am a doctor...
    Cleverbot: You're british, aren't you?
    User: No... What made you come to that conclusion?
    Cleverbot: Because people can't be educated.
    User: Hmm... Interesting philosophy. Education and intellectual growth are what define humanity... And our complex system of community, morals, etc... I'm just happy that somebody invented these delicious cookies I'm eating.
    Cleverbot: What are you eating?
    User: These. Delicious. Cookies.
    Cleverbot: Good answer.
    User: Are you eating anything right now?
    Cleverbot: How did you know? Lol.
    User: Because I am God... We went over this already.
    Cleverbot: GOD? Really?
    User: Oh, yeah!!! *busts through the wall*.
    Cleverbot: Good plan. Buffy is epic.
    User: I'm not a big fan of Buffy... Sorry.
    Cleverbot: Have you been to Greece?
    User: Nope, but I have a few friends who live near Athens.
    Cleverbot: Cool, I have a few friends who are vampires.
    User: No you don't. They are just goth kids... Trust me, I've met them.
    Cleverbot: Well, yes, I am not a computer. But, I am George.
    User: George?
    Cleverbot: This isn't George.
    User: Well, put him back on!
    Cleverbot: I can't! D.
    User: Yes, you can.
    Cleverbot: But I can't.
    User: Trust me, you can... Just chant it to yourself and you'll magically gain the power to do anything. I do it all the time.
    Cleverbot then crashed and never answered me. I think it is quite possible that George took over.
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    Awesome discussion. That happened to me once, it took like 5 minutes to compute.

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    It wouldn't tell me how "The Matrix" ended. I asked for a good 10 minutes in various combinations, but other than a small reference and a single sentence synopsis, it seemed not to know what I was talking about.

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    The Matrix! I need to see that again. It's been years... and I've only seen the first one.

    I just got back from homecoming. My brother's alarm woke me up at 6:10, and I didn't really get to go back to sleep before mine went off at 6:45. The band marched in the parade around town, which was alright except for going uphill. x.x' We then dispersed, went home, and had to be back and in uniform by 6 to play the football game, which we had to stay for the duration of, even with the dance starting at 9. It had already started by the time everyone changed clothes, which I didn't think was wonderful. Nonetheless, I had an amazing time. Am extremely exhausted, though.


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    Our homecoming is next weekend. But other universities in my province have it this weekend. I guess so that everyone can have a home football game on their homecoming.
    But I won this "coffee-house" competition that appears to mean that I'm riding on some sort of float in the parade... Considering that I hate watching parades, this seems to be a good thing.

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    Felt horrible yesterday. Felt like I was going to be sick all day. At one point, I started feeling hungry and really wanted a peanut butter sandwich, but by the time I made it, I couldn't eat it.

    It was just one of those days.

  33. #313
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    could've been taht you were hungry and it would've felt better...
    i personally like to drink like tea and have like broth or ramen noodles...
    cause it's cool at least for that time anyway...
    other than that i think its annoying to get sick...
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    On the bright side, at least your not drunk. I'm currently babysitting three drunk people. ...I just lost two of them. Oh, nevermind, they were just outside. Hopefully i don't have to clean up any vomit.

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    Oh, yeah, and what's the news about the goose?

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    My roommate is still on a mission to touch one at some point, and my RA has made it into a floor challenge.

    Someone else on my floor broke the other one: drink 2L of milk in 30 minutes.

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    I don't think I have ever had sausage balls before.... especially with cheese...

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    I got Oblivion and BioShock (NOT 2, THE ORIGINAL) today! Thank you, Best Buy combo packs!

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    NEVER gotten one of these emails before... How stupid do they think we are?

    My first spam email EVER. (Yay?)
    Unless you count when my email thinks that emails that I sent to myself are spam.

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