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  1. #41
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    I never did homework and failed 2 classes Freshman year. Then Soph and Jr years I did a little. My Senior year, I never did it either but made straight A's. I guess, by then, my teachers figured I was the one student that didn't need to do the homework.

    Well, I got my new LCD so I'll start working on the skins soon.

  2. #42
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    Woo~ new skins! I'm so tired of the blinding white background. >_>

    I decided to make brownies tonight... but I wanted nice chewy brownies, not cake-like brownies. So I used one less egg than usual to try to take away from the sponginess. Yet, for whatever reason, the brownies that were created were the most fluffy cake-like brownies I've ever had. I am disappoint.
    In conclusion, the brownies I made were cake-like and the cake is a lie... therefore, my brownies were a lie. The biggest lie ever. T^T
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  3. #43
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    I think for really gooey brownies, add an egg and extra oil, maybe some butter for good measure. Really fattening though! xD

    I picked up my 3 year old nephew today and asked him if he wanted to spin around. He loves it when I pick him up and spin and make him dizzy. He said no, i wanna go see two face. I've been showing him stuff from google images, like batman, etc with strict filtering on. I said you don't wanna spin? No, I wanna go see two face. Such a one track mind.

  4. #44
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    Oh, to be young and live such a simple life again. I mean, the biggest crisis that occurs while you're young is that your cartoons get rescheduled. I wish those were my biggest problems nowadays. D:

    I think you may be right about the brownies, I will more than likely test this theory next week. I should probably be practicing my piano a bit more often though... I've got five major performances coming up and I don't want to look sloppy. s;
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  5. #45
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    Five 'major' performances? Dang. Let us know how the brownies turn out.

    So what is up with you guys? Every night I come here, you're all here but the one day we open an IRC channel, you guys are nowhere to be found. >_>

  6. #46
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    I was here, and ironically, so was Malphis from Orange Islands.

  7. #47
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    I seem to be having an issue with the IRC... I'm sure it's the connection I'm using, since EMU has been getting especially picky about what's its residents are allowed to access via the web. I'll try to figure it out after the weekend, 'cuz I'm excited to see how it works. :P
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  8. #48
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    Ah, hope you get that fixed.

    Well, it appears I missed out on all the activity tonight. My mom and sister got into a fistfight so I had to help my sister home. Alcohol does not agree with either one of them.

    Hopefully all of you will come back tomorrow since it is Saturday.

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    >_> Your mom and your sister drinking alcohol... Yeah, I'm glad I don't have your family. The only reason I dissapear is because I always dissapear for like two weeks on the forums I'm on and then come back. The main reason is not homework persay but the fact that when I get on a gaming site I like, I don't get off until I do my homework (XD), go to bed, or a show I wanna watch comes on. That, and every other weekend I either visit my dad or my little brother comes to visit, so it's hard to get on when you like to have a secret life they have no idea about (Lol). Back to alcohol, my mom has low tolerance (I know this because she went to a concert and had two or three beers, called my stepdad (he told us what she was like) and apparently she was drunk) to alcohol, while my stepdad drinks beer when he wants too. He's not an alcoholic (Thank you fate) but he likes beer when he gets it. Also, I don't go into chatrooms because well, I don't really want to be in constant communication with someone and then get addicted to that... More snow and ice for me (please melt by Monday, I don't wanna lose spring break days...)

  10. #50
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    snow and ice SUCKS! hah i used to LOVE snow a few months ago. but im a new driver, and being able to drive as changed my whole outlook on snow..... i never realized with was so dangerous actually

  11. #51
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    My sister just became a new driver recently as well and she has trouble driving on ice/snow too.

    So, I just spent a good 4 hours working on the midnight skin. It's like the stylevar setup was invented by an evil succubus, intended to drain the soul out of you.

  12. #52
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    Liking the skins, they are much better than the sterile default one.

    I was at Sunsplash hanging out with my friends, and we decide to leave around 10 last night. I come out and start my truck up, and it's way louder than usual. Turns out, someone stole my catalytic convertor while I was in there.

  13. #53
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    I've heard about that happening! People in my area have things stolen like that from their cars, usually in the train station parking lots (I guess 'cause they're left all day and not under very good surveilance).

    So, the Olympics started a little while ago in CANADA! Canadian medal count is 2 as of a little while ago:
    S in Women's Moguls
    B in Women's 3000m Speed Skating

    It is expected that we get something in Men's Moguls this evening. We swept the podium in a bunch of recent world competitions. So there. :P

  14. #54
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    That sucks rp. :\ I never found the Olympics interesting at all, except for basketball.

    My nephew gave me the cutest valentine's card ever. It's on plain paper and he told my sister exactly what to write. It says:

    Happy Valentines to you Uncle JJ. Thanks for piggy back rides. Thanks for my christmas stuff. Will you share something with me? Love, Diesel

    Then on the inside it says:

    Diesel really wanted Mommy to draw Venom, Sandman, and Spiderman's girlfriend, but she doesn't know how so I asked her to make you a nice snake. (it has a smile on it, so its a nice snake)

    How cute is that?

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by zeroality View Post
    That sucks rp. :\ I never found the Olympics interesting at all, except for basketball.

    My nephew gave me the cutest valentine's card ever. It's on plain paper and he told my sister exactly what to write. It says:

    Happy Valentines to you Uncle JJ. Thanks for piggy back rides. Thanks for my christmas stuff. Will you share something with me? Love, Diesel

    Then on the inside it says:

    Diesel really wanted Mommy to draw Venom, Sandman, and Spiderman's girlfriend, but she doesn't know how so I asked her to make you a nice snake. (it has a smile on it, so its a nice snake)

    How cute is that?
    you neve liked the olymipcs? over the past two years, ive found them amazing. i dont know what it is, but im glued to the TV whenever they are on!
    and thats a pretty amazing card hahah nice snake

    and im a little irritated that sugar was first voted out of survivor Heroes vs. Villains.... i dont expect any of you guys to watch that show(although you MAY), but ive watched every episode for the past 20 years. im kindof a survivor addict!

  16. #56
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    Survivor has been on for 20 years?

  17. #57
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    no its only been on for 10 years. they actually do 2 seasons every year!

  18. #58
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    My friends and I do this thing for survivor where we choose two numbers. The people on the title reel on the first day that correspond with those numbers are the people we cheer for. ex. I chose 4 and 12 which are Amanda and Randy. It's been really fun.
    Anywho, one of my friends tow people are Sugar and Boston Rob... so it looks like that sucks for her. :P

    And yes, we did win the gold. 4th overall in the medal count yo!

  19. #59
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    I watched a few events like when Apollo and the other US dude totally stole silver and bronze from the South Koreans in speedskating.

  20. #60
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    Hmm... I haven't been able to watch much of the Olympics this past weekend, perhaps I'll get to enjoy some later.

    Speaking of later, happy Fat Tuesday! I celebrated with three packzkis in ten minutes. Needless to say... I hurt. X_X
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  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reliability View Post
    My friends and I do this thing for survivor where we choose two numbers. The people on the title reel on the first day that correspond with those numbers are the people we cheer for. ex. I chose 4 and 12 which are Amanda and Randy. It's been really fun.
    Anywho, one of my friends tow people are Sugar and Boston Rob... so it looks like that sucks for her. :P
    no kidding?? that sounds like an amazing idea!!! but now i need someone to do that with hahaha

    and HAPPY FAT TUESDAY! hahaha

    ALSO, i went skiing yesterday... im kinda sore hah
    i came home safe and sound. but one classmate lost a couple teeth and had to get 9 stitches in his lip........ :/ things didnt work out for him at all

  22. #62
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    Nice, he must not be very good at skiing. Hm, skiing, that reminds me of the olympics.

    Seth Wescott's comeback on men's Snowboard Cross was epic last night. We pretty much dominate that event. I'm going to watch some curling tonight since I've never actually seen it played before, except on the Colbert Report.

  23. #63
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    oh no hes actually very good. he fell, but it was actually a friends stupid mistake that injured him that cost im his teeth.... dumba** lol

    and yea curling is actually the sport im most excited to watch! hahah it looks simple but fun

  24. #64
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    We watched some last night. It was kinda wierd like shuffleboard with brooms.

  25. #65
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    I have no interest in sports whatsoever, so the posts on the olympics get no response (Or did they?(Lol, I just invalidated my earlier post).

    Anyhoo, today in biology class we dissected for the first time. It was owl pellets (almost gags again), and we had to find the bones of what the owl ate (almost gags again again). My partner and I found shrew bones. Also, a girl in my Algebra II said I needed a haircut. Did she not notice the guy at the back of my row with the long ponytail (We call him magic boy, Lol, that had no point whatsoever), but it makes me glad that the people at my high school obviously have no idea that pokemon fangames exist and as a result can't annoy me here.

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    We dissected a crayfish and frog in advanced bio last week. It was pretty damn fun for me. Back on olympic news Im hella suprised that America beat Canada in hockey. And Bode Miller taking gold in Super Combined that was pretty cool too.

  27. #67
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    I remember dissecting a frog in hs biology as well. I even took one of the eyeballs and pressed it between my finger and thumb, meaning to squish it but it was hard like a marble and I squeezed then it just flew out of my hand.

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    noming on sum girl scout cookies right now. Our little sister is a girl scout so we have a ton of them.

    Thin Mints in the fridge for the win!

    HIJACK: gtfo, tagalongs are way better.
    Last edited by SilentSentinel; 02-23-10 at 02:43 AM.

  29. #69
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    Why isn't your sister on Topaz? xD

  30. #70
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    She's like 13, and doesn't like pokemon.

  31. #71
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    Ah I see.

    We're out of just about everything so I went cabinet hunting and found a couple of boxes of Jiffy cornbread mix. It makes this kinda sweet tasting cornbread and it's so good with butter. I don't like regular cornbread (or most other corn products) but this stuff is the bomb.

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    holy kow cornbread ROCKS!

    1. track practice is kicking my A**! i dont know how far i can go lol were running about 3 miles a day, and im a SPRINTER! hah
    2. i found my gameboy color just the other day after about 5 years, and pokemon Crystal to go with it. it still works perfectly, and nostalgia has taken over. now ALL my free time is dedicated to that..... SCORE!

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    Pokemon Crystal was AWESOME!!! I lost mine, then had to buy a new one. It only cost like $5.

    My brother thinks it is strange that I can recognize the picture of any official Pokemon. I think it is strange that he cannot.

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    i KNOW! i can do the same thing, and me being a 16 year old, its the worst thing you can do at my high school! hahah but i dont care at all
    i wonder iff i will get heartgold or soulsilver... i really dont care which one, so maybe ill flip a coin to decide??

  35. #75
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    I always get the 'first' of each series, IE: Red, Gold, Ruby, Diamond so I'm gonna get HeartGold. I never look at available Pokemon because I'm not battling competitively ingame.

    There's this site, http://notalwaysright.com, which is basically a collection of funny/stupid customer interactions. This one just made me lol hard: http://notalwaysright.com/catcher-in-the-sky/4417

    I check the site every few days to read the new stuff.

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    I usually get the second of the series cause I always like the second one's legendary better. Lugia, Kyogre, and Palkia beat Ho-oh, Groudon, and Dialga in my personal opinion.

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    I can't speak for Dialga/Palkia but IMO Ho-oh > Lugia and Groudon > Kyogre in RSE. In D/P Ho-oh is nerfed by SR. I remember using Sub, Recover, Shadow Ball, Sacred Fire Ho-oh in RSE with 404 HP. It made Blisseys cry. It couldn't hurt Blissey but it would stall it out like a mother.

    Anyway, so I was going to upgrade the forums to 4.0.2 on Friday afternoon but then I realized that I didn't want to interfere with the weekend 'spike of activity' so I decided to wait until Monday. Then we have the lowest activity over a weekend in a long time. ._.

    On a brighter side of things, tomorrow is my mom's birthday. She was born on Feb 29th so on non-leap years, we celebrate it March 1st. I'm fixing to brew some tea in the coffee pot then get it ready with this fancy caramel blend my sister bought. My sister is coming over in the afternoon and cooking chicken and shrimp fajitas for lunch!

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    Today was our dad's birthday! We went and saw Bill Engvall in Sacremento. Love that dude. Anyway, what's the difference between 4.0.2 and our current boards?

    Extraawesomeness: zero, badara showed me the playtest of tt on IRC. Kick ass!
    Last edited by zeroality; 02-28-10 at 08:38 AM.

  39. #79
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    Yeah, I just got my hands on it. He's making a new build right now.

    Well 4.0.2 has some bug fixes but not many new features. The only reason we're upgrading is because of a security issue.

  40. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by ragingprimeape View Post
    I usually get the second of the series cause I always like the second one's legendary better. Lugia, Kyogre, and Palkia beat Ho-oh, Groudon, and Dialga in my personal opinion.
    I agree with all except Palkia.

    Quote Originally Posted by zeroality View Post
    Well 4.0.2 has some bug fixes but not many new features. The only reason we're upgrading is because of a security issue.
    It won't mess up the forums like the last time, will it?

    Anyways, I just had a stunning realization to post here, but I forgot it trying to quote two people in one post.
    I guess I'll say this: you would never guess how good cookies with chocolate chips, oatmeal, coffee, and peanut butter in them would taste. They are GOOD.

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