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Thread: where is the famed topaz weekend activity?

  1. #1
    zeroality's Avatar
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    Default where is the famed topaz weekend activity?

    Last couple of weekends have sucked. Let's not repeat that this weekend. There are a lot of threads around that could be replied to and I'm sure you guys could create some new ones.

    I'm working on something big for the site but I am starting to feel like all the work I am doing is for nothing. zeroality sits in the corner and ponders a strike

  2. #2
    aut vincere aut mori
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    Well IB is kinda the center of activity. Ugh, I'm gonna be really busy this weekend too...

  3. #3
    shoot head summon persona
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    Quote Originally Posted by ragingprimeape View Post
    Well IB is kinda the center of activity.
    And this is nothing unusual. It's how Topaz has been since the dawn of the project; the admins artificially inflate activity on the site.

  4. #4
    zeroality's Avatar
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    I would say we promote it, not inflate it.

  5. #5
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    I have an excuse. I got "Vista AntiVirus 2010" and "Vista Guardian 2010". For those of you who don't know what it is, Google it. Now I'm paranoid. Wasn't that far to begin with, but still...

    Quote Originally Posted by Pirotechnix View Post
    the admins artificially inflate activity on the site.
    Quote Originally Posted by zeroality View Post
    I would say we promote it, not inflate it.
    It's the same thing sometimes.

    EDIT: Just noticed some numbers. We've got ~381 members. 49 have actually made a post. 63 have actually visited since the beginning of March. Any ideas to fix some of those numbers?
    At least introduce yourself in the Introductions/Farewells Topic, someone will be able to find something that you are interested in.
    Last edited by Cyndadile; 03-13-10 at 12:34 AM. Reason: Because I wanted to. That is all.

  6. #6
    zeroality's Avatar
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    I think part of the problem is the requirement before you can create a thread. I'm sure some come to create threads but get frustrated when they can't and never come back. I think having a clear list of what needs to be done could spark some work around here.

  7. #7
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    I agree that the requirement can still scare off new users, but I think it's a necessity.
    I would help out with that list, but I'm really only sure about the soundtrack... I'm terrible at keeping up with code, graphics, info, and such. D;

    On a side note, I'm usually only active during the week since I spend the majority of the weekend with my girlfriend... so I apologize for my lack of input during the weekends.
    Haven't checked out the Pokemon Topaz Soundtrack? Click HERE!

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  8. #8
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    Zero, if we lessen the restrictions for posting then I guarantee you that 50% of new topics will be "when will Topaz be finished" or "heres my Pokemon idea plz add to Topaz lololol".
    Last edited by zeroality; 03-13-10 at 04:50 AM.

  9. #9
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    Liek me hyuk hyuk hyuk!

    I havent been on a whole lot cause of basketball playoffs but I should be back in full force pretty soon. We are gonna get our butts kicked by this next team.

  10. #10
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    Whoa there neon, had to get a little trigger happy with the edit button over here.

    How far into it are you MI? I remember my Soph/Jr years, the boys team made it into the state final four both years. Basketball fever is quite contagious.

  11. #11
    shoot head summon persona
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    Zero, this is the reality of the situation.

    Work is getting done on the project. People have lives and interest outside of the project. Topaz is not going to get any visibility on the internet until there's a tangible product, and it's understandable that some might not be interested considering that we've taken nearly 5 years to even release a demo. Constantly guilting people into posting more is not going to solve the problem. Topaz has not been a project that has garnered much in terms of activity since the days it was on Pokerealm; the group that worked on it was always niche, and subject to volatile turnover as people's interest in the product as compared to other things they're doing waxes and wanes.

    Until there is a full scale game released (and even if there is a full scale game released), Topaz will never be more than a small fanproject site. The activity here will never be anything worth bragging about. Change your idea of what Topaz's userbase and activity level are supposed to be, and recognize you're largely working with high schoolers / college-age students whose individual ambitions and responsibilities weigh a little bit more than anything working on this game will accomplish for them. You want to get the site more visibility and more members, go on your own advertising campaign; never rely on your users to spread the project through word-of-mouth. If they do, it's better for you, but at the end of the day you're the one who is going to have the most influence.

    Member quantity and post activity quantity != member and post activity quality.

  12. #12
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    But, things seem to be working out decently well! I came back to 140 new posts. Considering that I wasn't there to, say, inflate postcounts, that's pretty good.

    I think this member base is the most active and dedicated Topaz has seen in a while...

    (I also have a list of to do before the end of my break, so I'll start getting those done too)

  13. #13
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    Hey hes back! I swear I didnt break anything

  14. #14
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    Yeah... Um, you know that pricelass vase... weell, Mediocrity_Incarnate broke it!

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